Love Chocolates
These chocolates will seduce your sweet love for sure. Light the fire place and some candles, throw some pillows nearby and have your love chocolates within hand reach. Your bodies will glow up with each bite…
- 1 large and 1 smaller bowl (preferably stainless steel)
- A knife or grater
- A spatula
- A scale
- A whisk
- Heart shaped (silicone) molds
- 100 g. or 0,22 pound raw cacao butter (grated or scraped)
- 6 TBS. raw cocao powder
- 2 TBS Agave Nectar
- A pinch of sea salt
- A dash of cayenne to make your bodies glow
- A tsp. maca powder for exaltation ahead…
- Always start with melting. While waiting you can gather the other ingredients
- Fill the large bowl with warm water and place the small bowl in it to warm up
- Scrape or grate the cacao butter and place it in the small bowl
- Now gather the other ingredients
- Once your butter has melted, you can add the dry ingredients to the fluid butter
- Leave the bowl in the water whilst you whisk everything until very smooth
- Poor the chocolate gently into your molds (place them on a plate to stay stabile)
- If you like you can add some berries, a nut, whatever you like as an extra in them
- No patience? Put them in the freezer for ten minutes (put the timer on!!)
- If you have time, place them for one hour in the fridge
- Take the mold out when it is all set and push the chocolates out.
- Enjoy with Love…