Wild Juice
“One is tempted to say that the most human plants, after all, are the weeds.” — John Burroughs
Go wild and drink your weeds! These are your true medicines and they are for free! If you are trying to coop with a tight budget, wild edibles are the ideal solution to nourish your body, to regain or sustain your health without robbing your purse. So what are you waiting for? Take a hike through the woods, the fields or if you have a garden, have a close look at what nature is offering right under your nose.
- Dandelion (you can use everything. Juice the roots with the leaves to “ground” so you don’t get high on juice
- Lambs quarter
- Stinging Nettles (use the tops, don’t use anymore when they produce seeds; the kidneys can’t handle those)
- Wild grasses (all cereal grasses with wide blades are good, not the ornamental grasses from your lawn)
- Outdoor wheatgrass
- Clover
- Chickweed
- Barley
- Purslane
- Cattail
- Mallow or Malva Neglecta
- Plantain
- A slow juicer
- If you don’t have one, blend the greens with a little bit of water and strain it through a sieve or nut milk bag
- Bunch of stinging nettles (they have a soft spinach-like taste so you can use as many as you like)
- 2 dandelion plants with roots
- A whole bunch of wild cereal grasses!
- 2 to 3 narrow plantain plants, 1 wide blade plantain (is more bitter)
- 2 hands full of chickweed (soft taste)
- A hand full of clover
- 4 stalks of white celery
- 1 cucumber
- 2 apples
- About a one inch piece of ginger (to taste)
- 1 fennel (juice their stalks with greens as well)
- 1/2 head of broccoli
- 1 lemon with peel (only if it is organic!)
- 1 TBSP Spirulina (optional but great)
- Some greens such as collard greens, a few kale leaves,…
- Start with juicing the grasses, stinging nettles and throw this pulp on your compost
- Juice all the other ingredients (you can use this pulp for crackers)
Because men love their… greens!
“Bad” girls get everywhere!