I found a great tool to cut the perfect rounds out of a pineapple and because we all want to spend our time in the kitchen as agreeable and fun possible, I want to show how you can play with it.
I love pineapples! No other fruit has this merged taste of sweet exoticism and a touch of acid. I add them lusciously to my smoothies, make juice of them, eat them as a mono meal in the morning or throw small pieces in a green salad. But they have to offer so much more than just beauty and taste!
Pineapple is about the most healthy fruit you can imagine and you will indulge your body as much as your taste buds with their healing power. Pineapple provides you a lot of manganese for the bones and tissue, a treasure of Bromelain with its anti-inflammatory, pain relieving (for the joints due to osteoarthritis) and cancer fighting properties. Never throw out the middle hard part of the pineapple; this is where the Bromelain is located.
One warning though. Be moderate with Bromelain and don’t use it longer than 8 days in a row; it can provoke allergic reactions. Also never go on a diet purely existing of pineapple; it can ruin your stomach forever! If you are pregnant or suffering from disease, consult your doctor before eating Bromelain: it is a very intense nutrient and you first want to know what it’s influence might be on your body with specific conditions.
I myself can’t eat too much pineapple in one time; two rounds are my limit or my mouth and tongue get irritated. In a smoothie though, I can add more. You have to find out for yourself how much you can have. Other than this, nothing but great things happen when consuming this lovely fruit.
What else? Oh, getting a cold and coughing a lot? Having trouble with your digestion? Suffering from sinusitis? Feeling sick in the morning? Juice a fresh pineapple and let the results surprise you. I’m sure I am forgetting a bunch of benefits but I am eager to show you the play tool.
This is it! Small, easy, cheap and fast when you forgot to slice up the pineapple when your guests are already arriving. It will make the perfect rounds and impress them how well you did on this difficult and juicy job. No more rounds with six edges!
First slice the two ends off the pineapple with a sharp knife. Put the pineapple on a flat plate (it will lose juice that you can recover when you are finished) Then put the toy on top of a flat side.
All you have to do now is turn the handle while slightly pushing until you reach the bottom…. which takes about fifteen seconds…
When you reached the bottom, take all out. You will see, the pineapple is wrapped around the stem of the tool. My pineapple was a little over time so very juicy and a bit hurt. When your pineapple is very fresh, the flesh will be firm and nicely cut.
Take out the tool. Looking great!
What you have now is one long spiral. Cut it all in one stroke.
This is what is left over. I scraped out some more flesh for my smoothie .
The hard part filled with Bromelain is inside the tool. You can remove it very easily by pushing it out with the back of a wooden spoon. This will make a healthy smoothie!
This is how the middle part looks now. Ready for use AND you have lovely rounds to show off with.
Wish I had a fresher pineapple because it is a little hurt. (I had so much fruit and left it too long on the counter) But you get the idea. Enjoy playing in the kitchen!
I will post you the 1,2,3 recipe of the Pink Pineapple Juice in a few days!
2 Responses to “Perfect Pineapple”
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Glad you enjoyed it!