Ah juices, aren’t they heavenly. I started a soft and gentle cleanse yesterday with juices, smoothies and simple salads. My purpose is to start slowly and only drink juices for a few days. I abandoned nuts for a while because once autumn, I feel like eating them more and more. I was way passed my one handful a day, so had to say stop! and turn the wheel.
The first two days are always the toughest ones, although you don’t have to feel hungry for a bit. Juices are so filling! No, it is your mind, fooling around with you, whispering that you fancy a piece of pie or a dense dish. So what can you do about it?
- Before you start cleansing, put your mindset together.
- Schedule a colonic for after the cleanse.
- When overwhelmed by hunger, ask yourself if you are really hungry. Is it hunger in your stomach or between your ears?
- The moment you start looking for food in your cupboards, take a glass of water and drink it. Often when you feel hungry, it is just thirst. Big chance your ‘hunger’ will calm down after drinking water.
- When you are really hungry, make another juice. You can drink fresh juices as much as you want or need to.
- If you feel the juices aren’t satisfying and you can’t hold on, make a green smoothie. The fiber in them will help you.
- You can start with juices and some big smoothies a day and replace the smoothies by juices after a few days.
Drink more water than you are used to. How can you know how much water you need for your body? Take your body weight and divide it by two; drink that amount in ounces. During a cleansing, try to add some extra 8 ounce glasses.
Be gentle with yourself during a cleanse -well, always be gentle with yourself…- and don’t do heavy physical efforts. You will be detoxing and you might have a head ache at first, or feel a bit sick in the stomach. Those are good signs! The detox is working!
A juicer
A sharp knife and cutting board
- Two big apples, cored (apple seeds are poisoned)
- One pear
- A chunk of ginger
- One kiwi
- One lime
Just juice and drink! If you wish, you can add your Maca in your juice so you don’t have to miss your favorite superfood.