Today I woke up after a ten hours sleep. My usual nights are about five hours. I was exhausted after a marathon weekend with David Wolfe. Mostly of the five hour long walk in fog and ice cold mud water. It was a huge challenge for me; the first long psychical effort since I cured. My legs and back are hurting like crazy but I am up and writing so this is another limit I put much higher and crossed. I am proud of myself.
Day 1 – Vitality and Longetivity Seminar
I was a half hour too early. But I got a nice spot on the first row. At first I was hesitating to attend this event. I admire his work and his knowledge but am not a ‘follower’. I can read what I need to know. A friend though advised me to go because I would learn a lot from what he is telling besides what he writes in his books. And this is what I love; learn, learn, learn. So I subscribed. There was also a second day; a walk in de Hoge Venen in Belgium, to look for wild edible mushrooms and herbs. Now this is what really took me in because I am using more and more wild edibles in my diet and to identify mushrooms you need somebody to explain.
When David Wolfe started talking, he got me right where I wanted to be: in the area of not that often shared information This is what my mission also is about: telling everybody what isn’t been told. So I knew immediately my money was well spent. What was the seminary about? Immune rejuvenation, rebuilding adrenals, kidneys and reproductive energy and the most important medicinal herbs you can include in your daily diet to get there.
What struck me was his phenomenal knowledge. It was much more than I expected and he went much deeper than I knew he would. On top of that he is a very good speaker who knows how to choose his words. And he knows how to sell a good show because let’s admit; he is passionate about health but he is also a real marketing man, a seller and an entertainer who knows how to get his audience where he wants it to be: at the stand where his books are for sale. He even got a ‘not follower’ over there: I bought two of them. So he is really gifted, talented and gets you in his grip.
The seminar took about 4 hours and a half. In between he didn’t stop but answered more questions coming from people at his feet. He took a brief bathroom stop and went on again. The stream of information didn’t stop for one moment and I soaked it all. I am glad I bought the book where I can reread his thoughts and process all of them in quiet.
The thread through the seminar where the foods we eat. He spoke of three groups of food; “Food, “Superfoods” and “Superherbs”. Food, being our vegetables, fruits, seeds and nuts, is our daily nourishment. But it isn’t boosting our immunity system in a way we can experience the effects of what superfoods are delivering us. I had the same experience and it was a confirmation of what I felt when I went raw. I started with eating everything raw and I felt much better, but the real boosts came when I got my specific selection of superfoods and started using them every day in my smoothies.
I smiled when I heard his selection of superfoods; it was exactly the same one as I chose for after thorough study when I went raw. I first took my blood results and reports and wrote down all my issues plus what I was lacking off. Then I studied the benefits of all the superfoods and purchased the ones who could provide me the nutrients to boost my immunity system (which was still at minus 16 and no natural killers available), to regulate my adrenal gland, to heal my organs (they were all exhausted and some damaged from all the heavy metals and toxins I couldn’t even get rid of after three years of detoxifying), to heal the damage that was been done to my brain, to rebuild the muscles I lost, to get rid of all toxins and heavy metals, to stop and reverse the process of disease, to make my body strong enough to cure itself.
So here are the superfoods which will boost your immunity system, recharge your energy level and nourish your body thoroughly. One more thing before I go on; even if you are healthy it is good to include them into your diet. Imagine the head start you have, wow! You don’t have to add each one every day, let your body talk and guide you through what you need to feel optimal.
Maca, Goji Berries, Beepollen/ Royal Jelly, Wild honey, Coconut (oil), Chocolate, Hempseed, Chlorella, Spirulena, Wheat grass juice, Wild edibles, Mushrooms, Seafood and Marine Phytoplankton. Very often combining certain superfoods bring new forces alive. An example Wolfe gave was blueberries with chocolate. Everybody is different; try out what works the best for you.
I already knew my list worked because I became able to combat disease and regained my life. But hearing his list of top superfoods affirmed that I chose well and that I can feel the vibration of what is good for me. Another nice surprise was him, mentioning a 109 year old man. I asked him if he was talking of Bernando LaPallo and yes he was! (I wrote a post about this amazing man who is still young at heart and looking young!) Now Wolfe referred to it as well, I will repeat it here for you as well. It is a Bernando’s top five list of all foods so you can start working with this one… Cinnamon, Garlic, Honey, Olive Oil and Chocolate.
The principal is so simple; listen to your body and give it what it is asking for. It is all out there, all you have to do is… do it!
Superherbs is another very important group of foods to include in your daily life. I am saying ‘life’ instead of diet because there is more to it than buy and eat them. You have to take scissors and a bowl, put your jacket on and go out, walk in the fields or the woods while enjoying the freedom, silence and sounds of nature. This too is a powerful healing factor: being in nature and ground. I remember how important my daily (even if it was very short then) walk in the woods, away from everything and everybody. Walking and looking for the herbs that will refuel your body is just wonderful. Coming home with a bag full of fresh power makes you want to sing!
Or if you have a garden, look around at what is growing in there. Those are the plants you need for your health. Ask yourself if these are detoxifying plants, or if they will give you the minerals you are lacking. Pick the plants that come to you and eat them; they are there for a good reason. When I was ill, my garden was filled with Solidago , Thistles and Stinging Nettles, all plants with great detoxifying benefits, begging me to use them to clean my blood and liver. Check it out yourself and learn…
And of course there are the mushrooms, strong, full of healing power. Add mushrooms to your diet and your immunity system will boost! If you are suffering from immunity issues you will become stronger, if you can’t pass one winter without a flu or several colds you will notice germs are affecting you less and less. More about this in the next pot (this is a trilogy…)
Next post in this series of three will be about calcification and which herbs are very good for you.
11 Responses to “David Wolfe in Belgium, A Trilogy”
i’ve been drinking bird nest soup every night (i only get the homemade kind back at home). the only reason why i drink it is because it’s supposed to be good for complexion.
i’ve been taking the store-bought kind online (e.g. of famous branded only of course) which is directly mailed from Hong Kong. this would be at a more affordable price.
Oh great Katherine! Thank you for the information. I chopped all the mushrooms today and will have enough for about 700 liters of tea… The only thing I don’t like about them is the smell; it is very penetrating and had to put them into a room I keep closed. Keep reading because more will come about the mushrooms. I took many pictures today for that post. Marie-Claire
on October 18th, 2010 at 6:23 pm #
[...] This post was mentioned on Twitter by Kate and Sylvia, Kate Williams. Kate Williams said: David Wolfe in Belgium, A Trilogy – Today I woke up after a ten hours sleep. My usual nights are about five hours. I… [...]
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