Ice, snow, hard soil, a frozen compost heap. Winter is hitting harder than in a long time. As long as it is not freezing you can rely on composting the usual way. But what if the compost container is more than full, totally frozen and covered up with loads of snow? Where can you leave your compost in winter? Throw it in the garbage bag where it will get too heavy to carry out on the street? Scrape off the snow and heap it up on your compost until it falls over? Or wait, maybe you can get creative with it?
Pulp from juicing, peels, cores… when you are on a raw food diet you have a lot of vegetable leftovers. So let’s think of some solutions to recycle them in a useful way. Because this is what it also is about in a raw food lifestyle; living consciously and think of environment friendly solutions for detritus.
Some great ways to compost in winter…
- Use your juice pulp to make lovely crackers, burgers, meatloaf, even cookies…
- No garden? The plants in your house will thrive on these precious nutrients!You have a garden but no compost container? Just dig a whole and use it as container for all your peels and cores.
- If you have a high speed blender, you can liquify them and pour the “smoothie” on the soil of your garden.
- If you like growing wheatgrass on your window sill, nurture it with this vegetable liquid to add more minerals to the soil
- Too much juice pulp to process into your food? Your pets will be happy with such varied meals!
- Chicken love all leftovers of vegetables and fruits
- No pets or chicken around? Maybe your neighbor or a friend does
- If you don’t have a garden, your neighbor or the farmer in your neighborhood might be very happy to return your organic leftovers to their soil
- No garden? The plants in your house will thrive on these precious nutrients!You have a garden but no compost container? Just dig a whole and use it as container for all your peels and cores.
- If you have a high speed blender, you can liquify them and pour the “smoothie” on the soil of your garden.
- If you like growing wheatgrass on your window sill, nurture it with this vegetable liquid to add more minerals to the soil
- Too much juice pulp to process into your food? Your pets will be happy with such varied meals!
- Chicken love all leftovers of vegetables and fruits
- No pets or chicken around? Maybe your neighbor or a friend does
- If you don’t have a garden, your neighbor or the farmer in your neighborhood might be very happy to return your organic leftovers to their soil
Any other ideas? I will be happy to hear them from you!