During my last colonic it turned out that I have gall stones and I was advised to have a gallbladder flush. “A What?” According to the therapist it would only take one day but back home I discovered a whole chapter in the new book I just got; “Raw Foods Bible” of Craig B. Sommers, N.D., C.N.. A great book by the way!
The Liver/Gallblader Flush is a very simple but thorough cleansing and helps eliminating the chemicals we breathe in, eat and who are penetrating our skin. If you have gallbladder stones, they will be removed to the colon. This is why I was recommended to schedule a new colonic after the cleanse to be sure the stones will leave my body.
According to Dr. Richard Schulz, it’s good for everybody to have this cleanse four times a year, once per season. It takes a week, it is very simple and inexpensive. All you have to do is drink a mixture of lemon, oranges or grapefruit with distilled water, olive oil, ginger and garlic on an empty stomach as breakfast. Then have it followed by two big cups of herbal tea and eat nothing else until lunch. The liver flushes itself out and the tea helps pushing it all through. The rest of the meals have to be simple raw dishes. If you want to accelerate the process, make it more powerful, fast on water or/and juices during the middle three days. If you want the detox more intense, you can double the portion of garlic and olive oil after a few days but it is not necessary. That’s it actually.
- The garlic is a broad-spectrum antibiotic, antiviral: it fights and kills bacteria, parasites. It is also disinfecting your whole system.
- The ginger is preventing nausea and stimulates circulation
- The citrus helps cleaning the kidneys and the bladder. Only use the peel when it is organic. The essential oils in the peel helps stimulate the liver and produce more bile.
- It wasn’t in the book what the olive oil is doing, but I bet it is flushing…
I was surprised by the “flush”. It is worth its name. See to it that you can be home the first two days, so starting in a weekend is perfect. I had bad diarrhea during the first days. You can also expect some nauseousness from time to time. Mostly because of the garlic who is fighting and killing bacteria. Put more ginger in your next mixture and you will feel better or make fresh ginger tea after the flush.
Another effect I experienced was on the emotional level, as always when you are detoxing. Waking up sad, going to bed sad without a particularly reason, not wanting to see anybody… Next day can be totally different though and it is good to stay close to yourself during those mixed emotions. Let it flow and remember you are detoxing. The liver is connected to our feelings. If your liver isn’t in a good shape, your mental state is going down with it. So don’t get scared when you can’t explain what is going on in your head because your liver is working very hard now to get rid of its toxins. You will feel better afterward, I promise you!
I‘m in my fifth day now, two more to go. Regarding eating and being hungry, this cleanse isn’t difficult. You only have to see to it that you keep your meals simple, with lots of greens. So what I did, was eat small salads when I got hungry or make a fresh juice. The three fasting days require a bit more discipline but you can have as many fresh juices as you want. Considered all together I must say it is going smoothly. The most important rule is that you make some time to do this in quiet, listen to your body and rest when you feel you have to.
Oh, I have to tell you about the clarity. After a few days your mind becomes more clear. I feel more alert and finally can concentrate again. (less at the start and you can also feel a bit drowsy) So it is going into the good direction. But now the recipe.
- A juicer or a lemon press
- 8 oz of distilled water
- 8 oz of fresh squeezed citrus juice, lemon, lime orange or grapefruit or a combination of these
- one clove of garlic
- a piece of one inch fresh ginger
- one TBS of cold pressed, extra virgin olive oil
The mixture is the same except you have to use fresh apple juice and grape juice instead of citrus
Wait for about 15 to 30 minutes and drink two cups (16 oz) of a herbal detox tea or a digestive tea. I like Maria Thistle because it is cleansing the liver.
- Juice whatever you want the combination to be until you reached 8 oz. This morning I had pink grapefruit and it tasted so nice.
- Add 8 oz of distilled water. (I couldn’t find any and am using spring water)
- Juice and add the ginger and garlic
- Add the olive oil
- Stir
- Drink with a straw: it is much better for your teeth. The acids won’t destroy the glaze. Always clean your teeth after consuming citrus or drink a glass of water for the same reason.
Let me know how it worked out for you. If I can be of any help, feel free to write me with your questions.