Super Chia Smoothie

You will love, love LOVE this smooth smoothie! I do! I am enjoying it right now while I am writing. I simply have to share this wonderful recipe which started in some kind of a minor because I was out of bananas and leafy green vegetables and didn’t feel like going out in the rain. My throat was feeling soar since last night and I felt tired when I woke up this morning so I had to make a super smoothie fast!

I was wondering how to replace the smoothness of a banana in my smoothie. I opened my fridge, hm, soaked chia seeds could do the trick. And ripe pears for some sweetness. My favorite loyal coconut oil would help too for sure. This is how I brew this overnice super boosting smoothie. After drinking one glass I feel the energy coming back and the sourness has gone.

This smoothie is packed with essential fatty oils (3 to 10 times the oil concentrations of most grains), proteins (one and a half to two times the protein concentrations of other grains), linoleic (the unsaturated fatty acid which the body can’t produce) and calcium ( it contains the important mineral boron, a catalyst for the absorption of calcium).


  • A blender
  • A sharp knife
  • A cutting board


  • About 3-4 cups rejuvelac (you can also use water, tea or coconut water… but the rejuvelac is so great!)
  • 1 C soaked chia seeds
  • 2 C blueberries (when you take frozen berries in winter, you don’t have to add ice)
  • 2 ripe pears
  • 2 TBS coconut oil
  • 2 tsp maca
  • 1 tsp bee pollen
  • 2 TBS supergreen powder (Amazing Grass is very good and tasting lovely!)
  • 2 TBS hemp seeds
  • 2 TBS honey


Blend until very smooth ( a bit longer to break down all the chia seeds) and soak all the goodies in this goddess drink…


  • Chia seeds have no taste so you can easily add other flavors while enjoying all the great nutrients of chia (EFA’s!)
  • You can add chocolate, goji berries… their rich flavors will always take over from the chia seeds
  • Soak a few cups of chia seeds overnight and store what you don’t need in a sealed glass container in the refrigerator; they stay good for two weeks
  • Chia seeds can help you to lose weight because of their good fats. Moreover they are very filling and help you control hunger in a natural way