Tag: Raw Recipes

Gorgeous Green

A lovely dish doesn’t have to be complicated. With only a few ingredients you can create the most gorgeous meal in a few minutes. If you like looking at food as I do, try out other ways to cut a vegetable and play with colors in one tone. Plate it differently than you usually do and it will add that extra you need to feel special…


  • A potato peeler
  • A bowl


  • 1 cucumber, peeled
  • 2 spring onions, sliced thinly
  • 1 clove of garlic, minced
  • A handful of parsley, minced
  • Olive oil
  • Some apple cider vinegar
  • Some black pepper


  • Slice the cucumber in half, length wise
  • Start slicing thin, long slices of your cucumber until it is all gone
  • Place the slices in a bowl and throw all the other sliced and minced ingredients on top
  • Be generous with your olive oil
  • Pour a bit of apple cider vinegar on top
  • Mix with your hands without squeezing until everything is mixed and coated
  • Let it marinate for a half hour


These gorgeous greens are a delicious side dish for a salad or raw burgers. You can present them in a small bowl on the side when you have guests. They make each recipe beautiful and fresh!

Bon Apetit!

Juicy Crackers

Juicy Crackers

When you juice a lot you will often wonder what to do with all the pulp. Throw it away in a garbage bag? Throw it out on your compost? Feed it to the pets? Crackers are a wonderful, tasteful, economic solution and will save you a lot of money.  Just think of what one small pack is costing and you will know how much.

Juice all day long and make a tray in the early evening for a nice and warm breakfast the next morning. This makes a lovely recipe for early, dark winter mornings when you are aching for some warm comfort while the house is warming up.

The principle is very easy and you can add whatever you like. As each juice and the variety of  juices you make throughout the day is different, each tray of these crackers will have its surprising tastes. A good timing to make a new batter is around 5 or 6 pm or when you stop juicing. You will still have the time to flip your tray after the first drying period of 4 to 5 hours. Then you can go to bed with a smile. The dehydrator will do the rest overnight while you are having juicy dreams.

Deep Purple


  • A juicer
  • A dehydrator or oven
  • A large bowl
  • A wooden spoon or a spatula


  • The pulp of your daily juices
  • 1-2 C grind flax seeds
  • 1 C grind nuts to your choice
  • Herbs and seasonings which fit to the taste of the pulp
  • Sea salt to taste
  • Some pure water or original juice, depending on how much pulp you have


  • If you like your crackers  with a “clean” color, don’t mix the pulp of the different juices you made but separate them
  • If you don’t mind mixing, stir the pulps until well mixed
  • Grind the nuts you like in your crackers and throw the flour in the bowl with the pulp
  • Add the herbs and seasonings you think will fit with the taste of the crackers, spicy, Mediterranean or sweet…
  • Taste, taste, taste and adjust until you say “Mmmm!
  • Grind your flax seeds and mix everything very well
  • Now add the water or juice you need to have an easy consistency to spread out on your tray
  • Spread the batter on a teflex sheet or parchment paper and make squares so you can break them easily when ready
  • Place the tray in your dehydrator
  • If you don’t have a dehydrator, you can use an oven on the lowest temperature, not higher than 118°F or 42°C . Leave the door a little bit open so the water can evaporate and your crackers will be crunchy
  • If you put your tray in around 5 or 6 pm, you can still flip it over after 4 to 5 hours
  • Let it dehydrate until the next morning and they will be perfect for breakfast

Try out what you like. This basic principle works for every pulp and you will have fun creating your own recipes. Enjoy your creations!

Green Juicy Crackers



One of the things I thought I would never be able to miss is pasta. I was a real pasta lover before I went raw and although I had only been eating the whole food versions for years, it was a scary thought it wouldn’t be part of my diet anymore. So the first thing I wanted to replace by a raw creation was spaghetti. And guess what! It is de-li-cious!

In fact, you don’t have to miss anything when eating raw. You can make a raw version of every cooked recipe. I know, at the beginning there is so much to read and learn and it can be very overwhelming. But after a while, when you don’t have to look at all these recipes anymore and getting the hang on creating your own varieties, you will come up with new things.

A good way to go when you are just starting is: follow the recipe the first time and then start changing, adding, creating to your own taste. You will be surprised how easy and fun it is to re- invent your new diet and lifestyle. The best part of all this is, that you don’t have to know anything about cooking!

So let me tell you about spaghetti, made of vegetables. You can choose any long vegetable you want. If you are craving for the feeling, looks and taste of real spaghetti, zucchini is the best choice. It is al dente without cooking, has a pretty neutral taste with a touch of fresh sweetness, and just as cheap.

I like my sauce with little bits of chunks, but if you prefer a real smooth sauce looking like a Bolognese, let the blender run a bit longer until you have the consistency you like.

You will find the recipe in my FREE eBook “Raw For 3 Days!”

If you would like to receive this step by step book, enter your email address in the sign up box and I will send you the link where you can download “Your Step-By-Step FooDprint”

You can present your Zucchetti in different ways, depending on the occasion. Are you running late or aching for an ordinary looking spaghetti? Then just throw and stir up very well until all slices or angel hair is coated. It will look like this then…

Linguini Covered With Tomato Sauce

Or if you get a special friend over for dinner, take a ‘ring’ and make a little tower of the pasta and sauce. Put it on a bed of chervil and basil leaves or fine lettuce and you have a lovely, fancy starter that will impress for sure… Or you can treat yourself after a week hard work with a nice looking dinner in the garden.

To treat yourself or a friend

A Tower Of Pasta